Firewalk - Isabel Hospice

Up for the challenge?

Take on the Firewalk on Friday 29th October at 6:30pm… join us at Sherrardswood School in Welwyn for the ultimate test of mind over matter!

You will achieve the seemingly impossible and walk across hot coals of up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit!  Can you take the heat?

You will receive full training from  “Blaze” (Firewalk experts) and a certificate once you’ve crossed the fiery finish line!

We are asking each fearless fire walker to pay a non-refundable registration fee of £25 and raise a minimum of £250 because without fiery daredevils like you, we simply couldn’t continue to provide our vital care in our community.

We are looking for a team of 35 brave “soles”, so register now to join Team Isabel!

Sponsorship:  Set up your JustGiving page or alternatively we can send you a PDF paper sponsorship form.

For more information please contact our fundraising team or 01707 382500

*Covid -To make sure this is a safe event, which meets current government guidelines, you will be given online training and information prior to the walk, the whole event will take place outdoors to ensure social distancing measure are in place. All attendees will be required to adhere to social distancing and stay at least 1 meter apart. Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms must not attend the event.



Event Terms & Conditions

Up for the challenge?