Hertford shop opens two days early - Isabel Hospice

We were delighted to be able to open our Hertford shop two days ahead of schedule due to the hard work of the Isabel Hospice retail team.

We opened our doors to the public on Saturday 12th January and were overwhelmed by the support we got from local shoppers who were queuing to get in!

The till was ringing and we had to work hard to keep the shelves stocked. Then today, we welcomed the Mayor of Hertford, Cllr Beryl Wrangles who browsed the shop and then cut the ribbon for the official grand opening.

We are looking for volunteers to join the team, so if anyone can spare a few hours a week, please get in touch with our volunteer office on 01707 382517.

Also, with stock selling fast, any donations of good quality items that can be sold in the shop are gladly welcomed, and don’t forget to sign up for Gift Aid, which will mean we get 25% more in top of the sale price for your goods.