De Havilland Model Railway Society Show Sees £2,400 Raised! - Isabel Hospice

Over 200 model railway enthusiasts converged on Bramfield Village Hall to see the extraordinary De Havilland Model Railway Society Show on 21st October.


The model railway layouts were so detailed with tracks and trains running throughout the day. The dedication of the members of all generations was obvious to see as they carefully looked after the exhibits and monitored the moving trains.


Many thanks must go to the Railway Society, Steven Hughes and Andrew Beatty who masterminded the event.


Over £2,400 was raised on the day including £500 from Dale Hunter and A10 Electrics in memory of Dales’s mother who was cared for by Isabel Hospice.

Delicious refreshments of bacon butties and cake were provided by an energetic team including Jac, George, Keeley, Gillian, Emma, Janine, Brenda and Sue. Thanks also to Picketts Butchers of Sele Farm for donating the bacon.


Many thanks to all who worded so hard during the day to raise such a considerable amount towards the work of Isabel Hospice.


Barbara Doherty MBE

President Isabel Hospice

Chairman Special Events Committee